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=== Bullshit Detected ===

"If you want games cheaper than 59.99, you have to limit used games somehow."

Author thinks publishers will lower game prices to $39.99 since used games won't cut into their profits. Author clearly doesn't work at Microsoft nor in the game industry. Nor has a clear idea of how Capitalism or running a company works.

Facts: A Game that launches on all 3 platforms: Xbox 360 (disc based, allows used games), PS3 (disc based, allows used games), and Steam (digital DRM based, no used games) all launch at the SAME price. Despite Steam's DRM the PC version is NOT discounted. Publishers are not going to surrender extra income out of the "goodness of their hearts".

> Facts: A Game that launches on all 3 platforms: Xbox 360 (disc based, allows used games), PS3 (disc based, allows used games), and Steam (digital DRM based, no used games) all launch at the SAME price.

This is not the case in the EU. I also think this is bullshit for the US territory.

Resident Evil, Battlefield, Dead Island, and other Tripple A titles that have launched on all the platforms have been full price on the PC. I know this because my little brother is a game addict ($1,000 Gaming PC & twitch.tv streamer and all) and buys them all. The Digital PC version however does discount those same games much quicker than the consoles do.

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