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Managing SSH configurations with Python (emreyilmaz.me)
22 points by emre-yilmaz on May 28, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I get it if you're not familiar with puppet/chef/cfengine and super familiar with python, might as well - whatever works. But what is the use case of configuring ssh this way, than with chef or puppet or cfengine?

FYI my question comes from the point-of-view of someone who leans towards sysadmin work.

Chef/Puppet are typically used for managing servers. Using them to configure the SSH client configuration on your laptop is very likely overkill.

This falls more within the terrain of orchestration rather than config mgmt. You might want to rely on your munging your SSH config rather than something more elaborate like "knife ssh", fabric, mcollective, salt, etc.

Paramiko [1] parses SSH configs, but Emre's lib is an improvement as it also updates configs.

[1] http://www.lag.net/paramiko/docs/paramiko.SSHConfig-class.ht...

Additionaly, storm's parser includes a bunch of fixes for multiple hostnames, multiple localforward/remoteforward directions and comment line handling.

I caught this on GitHub a few days ago. I don't personally have a use for it, but as you noticed, there's already a reasonably popular ORM called storm, so you may want to consider a name change.

Useful stuff also looks pretty neat to use.

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