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Author here: While it is true that with the current implementation, memory access is extremely limited (essentially one DWORD per page, or about 0.1% of the available physical RAM) that limitation can certainly be avoided. For one, you could shift how the TSS is aligned (and align them differently for different instructions), multiplying your address space by a factor of 10 or so. Furthermore, you could also place another TSS somewhere in memory (only a few of the variables need to actually contain sane values) with an invalid EIP and use that as a 'load' instruction.

The easiest way however would be to use the TrapCC mechanism to transfer control between bits of normal assembler code (perhaps repurposed from other functions already in your kernel), doing something similar to ROP. Of course, for additional fun, feel free to throw in BX's Brainfuck interpreter in ELF and James Oakley's DWARF exception handler. We might drop a demo of this soon, i.e. implementing a self-decrypting binary via page faults.

"memory access is extremely limited (essentially one DWORD per page" – referring to non-code addresses, yes? In the current (simplest) implementation, each instruction (a TSS) must be aligned across a page boundary. You do comment below that altering alignment could increase the available code space.

I'm wondering what method PFLA uses to read/write non-code addresses. Only one address per page can be addressed? I'll take a look at the compiler.

By simply expanding the addressing capability, a very tiny program could emulate an instruction stream from memory, overcoming the limited code space (at the cost of execution speed).


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