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I mentioned mine on that other thread[1], but basically these are the main things I can come up with that seem even slightly worthwhile:

1. I was formerly Fire Chief of a volunteer fire department, and one of the youngest people to hold that position in my area.

2. I was one the youngest, if not the youngest, Firefighting Instructors certified by the NC State Fire & Rescue Commission.

3. I ran for Lieutenant Governor of NC, appeared in a statewide televised debate with the other two candidates and got about 125,000 votes (roughly 3%).

[1]: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5220936

Is what you're trying to do related to firefighting?

Not in the slightest, sadly. Being a volunteer firefighter and being heavily involved in that world was a big part of my life for about 10 years, and I kinda miss it. But I'm just too busy for it these days.

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