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FUD much

Hiya, welcome to Hacker News. I'm Patrick and I wrote this article. I run four businesses, three of which are intimately tied to Ruby on Rails, I am a contributor in the community, and I want to see it win. If you believe I am trying to spread fear, uncertainty, or doubt, you are greatly mistaken about my motives.

As someone who loves Rails, to someone who presumably likes Rails, it is imperative that you understand how serious this issue is. If you use Rails, you need to have addressed this already. If you have not, drop what you're doing and go fix it right now.

Patrick, Thank you for writing this article. It opened my eyes to how serious this issue is and how easy it is to compromise a server. Upgrading all my rails apps now. Thanks again.

I think Rails has already succeeded. What is winning?

Not much Uncertainty or Doubt in there.

The Fear seems appropriate.

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