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I once wrote a letter to my son in C++.

We don't talk anymore.

Me and a former boss a while back:

Me: "When I was taking C++ back in high school-"

Boss: "Dear god, what kind of high school did you go to?"

Me: "A Catholic one"

Boss: "Ah, that explains it"

Yes, it actually was a bit of a hard-line place. Wouldn't trade it for the world though, even the C++ class (since that's where I discovered Python).

and you got divorce papers from your wife written in Objective-C ? (Or maybe Go?)

Ick, comparing Objective-C to Go?

No, it was a (poor) pun on the language names...

I God I hope that was meant to be a joke, if not I'm going straight to hell...

> if not I'm going straight to hell...

...said the future J2EE developer...

So he returned 0?

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