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From seeing your situation, i have some suggestions:

first thing. move closer to work, and you'd have saved 15 hrs to put into your project. from what you say, it's right in the face. trying to save few $100's in rent by wasting the time on commute is the worst trade off you are making right now. If you think spending few $100s extra on a place closer to work should be minimal compared to what you think your project is worth. If you think otherwise, i'm not sure how much important this project is to you.

second thing. don't speculate how much responsibility you might have. Don't promise on taking responsibility from your manager only to do what you don't enjoy as much; only take what you can at the current work pace. if you are not trying to climb up the corporate ladder, why take more than necessary responsibilities and make your life harder? be an mediocre employee at a corporate entity. Produce 8hrs worth of deliverables every day, be present, and contribute to the job in those 8 hrs, no more. that should work for most corporations.

Its not up to me to "take on necessary responsibilities" .

They are putting ME on call, not the other way around. Im not raising my hand either.

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