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I have never really looked for a job honestly, but if I were going to here's what I would do.

Find the type of company you want to work for. Narrow your list down to about 5 of those companies you'd like to work at.

Now sit down and write a personalized cover letter for each of these companies and the role you'd like to play in said organization.

Now email each of the companies hiring depts, founders, etc with said letter and sit back. If you wrote a truly compelling cover letter (you should have if you are actually passionate about working for the company) you will most likely get some sort of response.

Rinse and repeat if no success.

As a multi-time founder and hiring decision-maker I always enjoyed a good cover letter and great interview more than a resume. Even when it comes to technical knowledge the most important thing to me is that if you did not know it you were smart enough and capable of learning it.

If you can knock it out of the park on a cover letter and show why you're excited to be a part of said company then they would be foolish not to hire you.

EDIT: Obviously you should still send a resume as well. But sending one without a cover letter in my opinion is the equivalent of career suicide.

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