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Looking thru http://www.thekickbackmachine.com/browse/all/ it appears the projects are overwhelmingly successful. In the first 163 project, just under 75% were successful. Am I interpreting this incorrectly, or are projects funded successfully an overwhelming majority of the time?

    jQuery('h2:contains("Successful")', 'div.caption').length; //successful
    jQuery('h2:contains("Unsuccessful")', 'div.caption').length; //unsuccessful

According to my numbers, since mid-June 2012, the overall success rate for all projects in all categories has been ~72%. Much higher than Kickstarter's all-time success rate of ~44%. Successes seem to be increasing.

But does this stat of ~72% success rate (28% failure rate) include canceled/removed projects, which happens quite often after a failed attempt?

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