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Hopefully, Kroger sees this and has a bit of time to reply.

I excelled in music. Is there anything in particular in programming that you teach differently so musicians can understand it better? If so, do you have any ebooks, PDFs or other resources of this? Just wondering because I've only recently taken up programming and I'm looking to pull information from various resources. Thank you!

Good question. When I teach programming to musicians I find that they can learn programming from a functional perspective very quickly and they take a long time to "get" object oriented programming (or maybe I'm not good at teaching OOP ;-).

Usually I start with a SICP-like [1] approach, but focused on musical, instead of mathematical problems. I show them some basics of the language and ask them to implement musical operations they already know, such as transposition and inversion. Then, I show how they can simplify their code.

If you want to learn programming, I suggest SICP [1]. The videos [2] are also very good.

[1] http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/

[2] http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-comput...

That's an interesting observation - as a musician, functional programming has somehow always felt more intuitive to me than OOP. What characteristics of functional programming do you think are similar to music?

To be honest, I think both paradigms are good for music. You can have a Note as an object with attributes such as pitch, octave, name, etc. Maybe musicians like FP at first because it's somewhat simpler (I'm not talking about Monads here ;-). They already know about functions from high school and function composition translates directly to how they may think about music operations:

    retrogradation(transposition(inversion([0, 4, 7])))

Do the musical terms in this analogy:

retrogradation(transposition(inversion([0, 4, 7])))

also explain the relationship between each part of this function as retrogradation does with transposition and inversion? E.g., if you start with a triad, transpose it to another key, and then create an inverted chord out of it? Or were the musical terms chosen merely to indicate that they can be a "subset" of a particular general idea ("chord" or "function"?)?

You have no idea how helpful you've been. :)

Thank you for taking the time for this.

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