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How to 0wn conference proceedings (rootentropy.co.za)
9 points by SkippyZA on May 8, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Why would you want to submit hundreds (or thousands) of abstract submissions to a call for papers? It would certainly cause the conference organizers a lot of trouble but what other benefit is there? I don't see how the author could have gotten someone else's details (divulging potentially sensitive information) nor improve his chances of acceptance as a speaker by gaming the system -- the only two benefits I can see from "0wning" the system.

The author isn't "0wning" anything. He is just pointing the way to cause trouble.

Agree. Most CFP also only provide an email address (not a form), so he can spam it to death as well ...

Sure, you can DOS the submission process for an academic conference. You can also attend and press the fire alarm during the conference, that will also annoy the organizers. Or unplug the microphone. Or kill the power to the conference room. So what?

It says more about who you are than anything else.

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