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A new resume template for Programmers (javapubhouse.com)
8 points by windust on April 17, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

That resume looks like it was made by a computer, for a computer. Perhaps it would be more efficient to specify a DTD, a few microformats (e.g. hOrgChartPosition), and then just ask for it as validated XML.

Hm, interesting. It might be very functional, but this really answers questions like, "What source control software you used in your past three jobs", or allows you to compare side-by-side what technology/language you used across jobs. I do find that the format helps me answer those questions I usually have when reviewing resumes. It might not be as skim-friendly (it's packed to the gills with info), but don't find it particularly obtuse; maybe not as 'pretty' or breathable and it's definitively not traditional (wonder if that is what makes it look uglier)

That's how I felt, it's not scannable or readable at all :(

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