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"We should work toward a universal linked information system, in which generality and portability are more important than fancy graphics techniques and complex extra facilities."

In other words: standards are more important than features. The utility of the web comes from being open and interoperable.

I saw the web in 1991. It didn't look ready to become adopted as a standard. The fancy graphics of NCSA Mosaic helped propel it forward. The img element was created without a standards process.

Is this meant to be a rebuttal? Or are you supporting the parent? The result of this discussion was no agreement, if I'm not mistaken, leading to mosaic implementing the img tag without a standard.

It was neither. It's just a link to the topic at hand. But yes, IMG was implemented w/o a standard.

And it was quite relevant. Sorry about that -- I'm used to reading everything here as an argument.

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