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Cool site! QR code on the "About" page is a head-scratcher, though.. http://time.is/about

The idea is you can scan it with your phone and not have to type the URL in. Not sure how many people actually do that though.

A) If you're viewing on your phone, it's mobile optimized B) If you're viewing it on your desktop, why would you want to go to your phone? C) Time.is has to be the easiest URL to enter by hand in a device browser. :D

I'm not saying it's very useful, but if you see it on your desktop and want to check it or save it on your phone (to verify the time on your phone/QR-and-web-enabled mobile device, to bookmark it for future reference when on the go, etc), the code might help. I've seen this used better than just on an 'about' page, though.

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