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I use the EFF's Firefox addon called "HTTPS Everywhere". It has a list of websites that have HTTPS enabled, and whenever your browser is directed to the plain-HTTP version, it will go to the HTTPS version instead. https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere A useful (but tbh kinda annoying) companion addon is the HTTPS Finder. It checks to see if the website you're currently browsing also has an HTTPS version, and will add a rule to the HTTPS Everywhere addon. (It also has a "whitelist" of sites that this breaks.) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/https-finder

HTTPS Finder dev here - If you go into settings you can turn off the auto-redirect to HTTPS or the actual drop down alerts (or both).

Then you can go into Preferences > Advanced after some browsing, and you'll see a list of all the good sites found. You can create HTTPS Everywhere rules directly from there, without ever being annoyed during your normal browsing.

Thanks for mentioning this.

I've been using HTTPS Everywhere for a while now, but it's been almost entirely a vanilla install since I got it. The only exception so far has been HN itself, and only because someone put the new rule in a comment. I then had to use Google to find out how to actually install the rule, as it was pretty non-obvious to me.

It seems I've been downvoted, and I think I know why. I can't edit my original comment so a reply will have to do.

My comment was meant to be a sincere thanks for mentioning the HTTPS Finder extension. Reading my comment now, without that clarification, I can understand how it could read as a criticism of the HTTPS Everywhere extension instead. That was not my intention. I merely wanted to express my thanks for making me aware of a complimentary extension which adds useful functionality to an extension I already use.

If the downvote was for another reason, please let me know what was the reason for it so I can try to avoid committing the same error in the future.

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