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Pretty ridiculous to kill yourself over losing a round of really expensive poker. Especially considering Merckle could probably command a higher monthly budget for the rest of his live than I can. And my life is pretty nice no death wishes here. He should have probably have the news sink in a little to gain some perspective on it.

I couldn't pass your comment without saying my opinion. Recently, I read a book about Steve Jobs. The book said that before Apple, Steve had "no money", and that was his main motive to start a company. What I am trying to say is, Steve had a place to live, and money so he can eat and drink, and money for transport and all those basic expenses. Here in my country, no money means really having no money. Recently I passed thru terrible times, without having money to even buy myself some food. It has gotten to the extend that I had to borrow shoes from friends for job interviews , and I had to walk from one edge of the city to another by foot just to get to those interviews. What I am trying to say, "no money" has different meaning to everyone. Even if Merckle could afford life thousand times better than mine or yours, it probably was very hard for him to face that failure of his. Btw, I will be having a job interview in one of construction companies this week, and one interview at US embassy. Hope this will work out for me :) <br> I tried several web startups here, and it didn't work out well, since internet is highly regulated here, and most people think that internet=IM. My parents haven't even seen a homepage of google. My mom thinks that internet is some company that magically gives you information about anything. For now, starting a web startup is mission impossible here. You can check out www.verihasap.com, or www.tolkunfm.com to see what kind of startups I'am talking about.

Don't give up hope buddy: have you tried making a few iphone or android apps? Your english is perfect so i assume you could make apps for the english speaking market, it really could change your life.

Hi, thank you for advice! The problem with android apps and any other kind of online business is that we don't have proper banking system here. So it's very hard to receive money. We tried to establish a local system similar to paypall here, but couldn't convince the govt in legitimacy of the service. Business people here are considered those, who go to nearby countries, buy some stuff, come back and sell it for a greater price, benefiting from the difference. Anything more complex than that is considered dangerous/meaningless. Words like stock and investment are associated with fraud and lottery. So working for one international company here might be the right choice for now.

This guy assumed responsibility at least. The Wall Street guys in 2008 demanded retention bonuses instead. I don't propose suicide but I would like to see CEOs being a bit more shocked when their actions turn out to be a total disaster. I think it would be better for the country.

Suicide and mental deceases that cause it aren't very rational. Plus he might have had many personal/personality problems and the whole loss thing was just something that was the last drop.

I concur with this. I've had a lot of history of serious depression, and when people say "just don't commit suicide, duh" it shows a misunderstanding of the motives. There's always something going wrong in one's life, but I would say it's only the tip of the iceberg when someone commits suicide.

people commit suicide in order to protect themselves from the pain they go through on a daily basis.

that seems perfectly rational to me.

There have been a lot of interviews with people who committed suicide (and failed). Most of them said they did not plan it and it was a last minute decision.

That sounds not very rational to me.

Don't want to argue the logic of suicide too much, but isn't that a self-selecting audience of people that didn't plan well, and hence "failed"? There are plenty of people that take their own life that spend quite a lot of time thinking about it, and planning.

That has to be the most literal example ever of survivor bias.

Merckle was quite depressed at the time of his death. I don't think his death had anything to do with want for money, he lived quite modestly and didn't exactly lose everything.

probably nothing to do with monetary damage itself and everything to do with reputation damage.

I'd rather take a hit to my reputation than a hit in the face with a bullet.

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