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AWS: "We'll continue to cut our prices forever"

GAE: "Almost all applications will be billed more under the new pricing"

Pick one...

I've ported part of app build on top of gae to amazon and face huge difference in billing structure. I've been paying whole gae $4/month, while aws charged 10x. After these changes ... I have no alternatives left ...

Eh, if price is the largest factor in your decision, I would probably recommend Dreamhost over either of them. The real trouble is that GAE doesn't seem to offer a whole lot more than AWS.

Well, except practically infinite, automatic scaling and zero administration.

I love the admin-free nature of GAE, that's why I started using it in the first place.

"Infinite, automatic scaling" is a double-edged sword given the pricing model. Virtually anyone using GAE should be putting very finite caps on their resource usage lest they get a sudden spike of hn/reddit/whatever traffic that results in a usage bill that matches up with the "infinite" scaling GAE did for you.

Well, in fact anyone should ensure a positive ROI for visits, otherwise no visit is cost-effective after the free tier. If you make more than you spend per visit, you don't need limits and the infinite scaling capability is a godsend.

Well, they have said that this is the first and only price change to happen. They won't be increasing the price anymore after this.

Never is a long time, no?

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