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They hacked a company called 'RSA Security' [1] and not the cryptography algorithm RSA [2]. While the former is still interesting, the latter would be big news indeed.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_Security

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA

Since RSA Security is the company that supplies the tokens that are used to secure most banks and defense contractors, etc., and these tokens were in turn compromised via the hack, I would argue that this hack is still big news indeed.

Indeed... Extremely interesting.

Obviously a very advanced (team?) of people were involved in this and the whole story has only been hinted at.

I personally would have expected much higher standards of security from a company selling security.

To me the worst part was how they managed the incident. They should never have been hacked, but once it happened they should have been honest about the scope of impact.

I'm sure they were very honest to their defense and security agency customers. First. Then the rest of the world.

As soon as notice that they had been breached was leaked, all the admins I knew assumed their keyfobs were compromised.

Can you order RSA tokens WITHOUT them storing the seed for 'backup'?

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