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LOVE that pinned tabs stay open after reload, without resorting to hacks like you have to with Chrome. That's about the only thing that persistently bugs me in Chrome these days. All in all, FF5 is looking really good. Way to go!

What is the purpose of pinned tabs in Chrome if they aren't pinned after reload?

There's no "hack" to get pinned tabs to re-open in Chrome, they just do.

Only if the last window you close is the one with the pinned tabs, otherwise they're gone and there doesn't seem to be a "re-open pinned tabs" option to retrieve them either. So at this point, the only effective solution is to use the bookmark bar and avoid pinned tabs. After I erased them accidentally once, I'm not wasting time with that "feature" again.

Nope, then you go to recently closed tabs and you'll see a folder that says "6 Tabs" or whatever and clicking it will restore the window.

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