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Google and all Google properties were down in central North Carolina for about 15 minutes just now: confirmed by others in this area on totally different ISPs. I wonder if it's related...

They were down in suburban Philadelphia, too.

Seemed to be down in NYC. Actually, I think it might have been a browser issue.

Chrome worked. Firefox did not. I think chrome was falling back to IPv4. Tried a few wgets ... some versions correctly falled back to ipv4 (cygwin). A friend's wgets (not sure which distro) kept trying v6 addresses.

When I used dig to get the AAAA record, I only saw 1 address for google. What gives? Surely there are more than 1 addresses ... I thought dig would show them all. It does that for AA records. I'm very confused.

This is because there was one IPv6 address in the DNS reply. Search for "happy eyeballs" for the overall description of why. In short - If your IPv6 went dead and you'd have more than one IPv6 addr in the reply, you'd get bored until you reach the IPv4 addresses.

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