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Ask HN: Designers, please open up the library of stuff you've collected
24 points by tejaswiy on May 26, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
UX Designers, as a programmer trying to get better at this, I've realized designers generally try to collect various good pieces of design that they encounter and save them for inspiration. How about making it open for the community instead?

Someone please start a blog like http://littlebigdetails.com/ and put up UI elements too, not just interactions.

EDIT: A little more googling lead me to this (pdf): http://eightshapesunify.s3.amazonaws.com/CreatingAUXDesignLibrary.Final.pdf

Two of the best collections of UI / UX patterns I know of:

Chris Messina (factoryjoe on Flickr): http://www.flickr.com/photos/factoryjoe/collections/72157600...

Zach Klein on Evernote: http://www.evernote.com/pub/zachklein/generaluiux

Thank you. A hundred times thank you.

Have you checked out Pattern Tap? http://patterntap.com/

It has a nice collection of UI elements for the web.

go to http://www.designmoo.com and http://www.365psd.com and also a freebies section on http://creattica.com

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