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I have been rejected twice previously (1st poorly prepared, 2nd late) as a single founder.

Given PG's selection is based on startup founder's likelihood of success. YC's harsh selection process have really shaped my vision of my product to attack the problem domain from a different angle. I think they will train better founders.

Now, I am applying YC this session (S11),

- Finally i find a cofounder that i have know for 2 years that have perfect match in value and skill sets.

- I spend much more time preparing the application

- Also exponential more time working on the real business assets (design, code, project plan)

I should Thank them for the harshness, it makes you becomes a stronger, better fighter !

I think my major take home from the process is that I don't need YC to succeed. I still have an application in, and will certainly appreciate the opportunity should we be accepted, but being accepted is far from make or break.

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