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Show HN: An escape room in your browser (mitchcrowe.com)
25 points by mcrowe on March 1, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Hi! I created an "Escape Site". It has a score of challenging puzzles designed to make you think outside the box, and think differently about the way websites work. The success rate is about 10%. How do you fare?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

This was awesome! At first I had no idea what to do, but luckily there's a hint button. I really liked 7, 2 and 1. I didn't liked 5.

Here are some suggestions:

- I would suggest to do some very easy intro levels at first so put in the mood of the game.

- Sometimes the piano sounded glitchy.

- Clock didn't reset when I pressed the button "Try again".

- Add support for number pad.

Can't wait for the next version!

Nice! Thanks so much for the feedback @kinduff. Those are really good points.

that's super cool! you should think on adding more than one clue.

Yeah. Definitely a good idea. I'm told the clues are a bit cryptic as they are. It would be nice to have another if you're really stuck.

Warning: autoplays music :)

Nicely done Mitch, I enjoyed that! :)

Thanks! Great to hear!

dammit, #2, i'm completely lost, the hint, i just dont get it. see what? someone give me a another hint, lol

Haha. It's hard to give hints without giving it away to everyone else. Feel free to pm me on twitter @mitch_crowe and I'll be happy to give a hint.

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