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“Run” the Python Data Science Handbook in your browser (azure.com)
61 points by smortaz on Oct 26, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Hi folks! we're getting the HN Hug [edit:Fixed]. If you want to check out the book, while we fix the issue, you can go to:


Then on the top "Featured" carousel click the link for Jake's book.

If you just want to view, try the 'notebooks' directory to see HTML rendered view of the book.

If you want to Run/Edit/etc the book:

1) Sign in - any gmail, outlook etc email will do. 2) Clone the book 3) Run! (Cell/RunAll)

HTML resource you can parse with wget here


That is the source material for the book. It was loaded by Jake to Azure Notebooks.

You can load any github repo by creating a Library (a repo basically), and +New / Load from github. It'll load the notebooks, data, etc. You can then run the notebooks.

Sorry for those of you with slow load times. We had a perf issue with our server side rendering of the Angular app which was avoided by going to the front page. We temporarily disabled that and now things should be snappy again!

BTW, if there are other book authors that want to publish here, please feel free to do so!

Also if you have a github repo and want to make it easily runnable, you can place a badge on your repo like this:


Your users can then click it to upload+run.

For more information you can check out the blog entry over here:


Hey - This is also hosted on Gryd if the other link has issues


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