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[flagged] Ask HN: Do you work for Google?
8 points by sysdyne on Aug 21, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
Given the large amount of flagging around news that put Google in the negative spotlight I want know if the are any large amount of "Googlers" here.

>I want know if the are any large amount of "Googlers" here.

There are many, although their representation is likely no different from any other company with a developer headcount that large.

I doubt there's any sort of flagging conspiracy. If anything, BigCo employees are probably less likely to flag such stories. If I worked for a huge company like that, I'd probably upvote every such story and then grab some popcorn.

Likely what you're seeing is simply HN becoming sick of the topic. Subsequent news articles that cover ongoing scandals which do not significantly differ from prior articles tend to fare poorly.

I don't. What articles have you seen that paint Google negatively and are frequently flagged? I'm genuinely curious.

We need a survey feature on HN. Otherwise we get Yes or No questions like that...

I can confirm with 100% certainty that I, too do not work for Google.

I don't and I don't want to.

No, but I wish I did.

I do not.

Me neither.

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