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What editor is everyone using for Swift?

Last time I played with Swift I stopped after XCode crashed 2 times in an hour for me. It is also very slow. But none other editors seem to support auto completion which is a deal-breaker for me. Without it it's hard to consume all the APIs.

I hope Apple can follow Rust's path by making a language server[0] for Swift, if Apple is serious about providing cross-platform support for it. This will enable better support in editors such as find definition, refactor and auto completion.

[0]: https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/introducing-rust-language-...

SoureKit, which seems to drive a lot of the Xcode Swift features, is open source: https://github.com/apple/swift/tree/master/tools/SourceKit

Last time I messed with Swift, I was using a vim plugin based on SourceKitten[1] but it was a couple months ago over a weekend and I honestly can't remember how well it worked. If you were inclined, it seems like it'd get you most of the way to a language server.

[1] https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten

The SourceKit daemon is a language server. I wonder if anyone will adapt it to support the MS protocol.

I'm an XCode user myself, but I know people who swear by AppCode by Jetbrains. I tried it in the past for Objective-C and if their support for Swift is as good, it should be a decent alternative.

Great question, I'm interested in the responses as well. I'm using XVim with Xcode, but it's horrendously unstable and much slower than it needs to be.

Xcode 8 is more stable for swift these days.

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