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saw this on my fb feed this morning and tbh, was glad the fsu actually got some headline room. personally not connected to fsu but I see so many MIT... that some of these other institutions doing big things get lost in the shuffle.

also really liked the search strategy. first try all the things already approved by the fda to find something, even if not 100% ideal since its so much faster than seeking fda approval of something new. Curious how this will change in the near future given the prevalence of deep learning and with some of the opentrons type testing systems.

>also really liked the search strategy. first try all the things already approved by the fda to find something, even if not 100% fast.

Yup. On the one hand it's unfortunate that they have to do this at all, on the other hand this may be a larger innovation than the Zika treatments themselves.

In the long run if this approach can be applied to other diseases it'll save many lives.

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