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It shouldn't even be on your resume, and in the US even asking your age is very risky for them.

I'd be far more concerned that you are so completely unaware that this info isn't even generally on anyone's resume...

I took extra time to finish mine too. I just put the year I graduated on it and not how long it took. It's never come up and couldn't imagine it being an issue if it did.

A computer science degree is a serious challenge. There is no shame in taking longer than 4 years to finish it.

I was asked my age in an interview. What's the problem with doing that?

You can sue the company for age discrimination if you don't get an offer and they've asked you personal questions like that.

Luckily they did give me an offer for an internship. I thought it was probably a strange question to ask. It was in my third interview they asked, after I already passed the phone tech screen and programming challenge. Maybe they were already set on hiring me, and wanted to ensure I was drinking age?

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