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Etix Everywhere | Luxembourg | Full time INTERNSHIP | ONSITE

(Open CV && C++) || (API RESTful && Golang) || Android || iOS || (AngularJS && WebGL) || (DevOps)

We are geeks, tech-lovers and inventive people working together to revolutionise the Data Center world. We bring Artificial Intelligence inside our buildings by developing innovative systems. We are coming out the “start-up” phase, with now more than 50 people in 5 different locations, but still willing to keep the atmosphere of a small company.

Our company is working on many innovative projects to optimise our Data Centres. Therefore, we are offering internships to young and enthusiastic students to join our R&D department. We offer house sharing for free, flexible schedule, fun offices and events, gym at work.

If you’re interested to know more: https://www.etixeverywhere.com/carrieres/

You can also contact Aurore https://lu.linkedin.com/in/aurore-ollivier-59b47042/en

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