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The Valve publications page has a few slides and documents relating to Valve presentations regarding VR:


One of my favorite tidbits comes in the presentation, "Lessons learned porting Team Fortress 2 to Virtual Reality", on preventing VR motion sickness: http://media.steampowered.com/apps/valve/2013/Team_Fortress_...

> Don’t change the user’s horizon line, ever. You can see here how the camera follows the motion and rotation of the character’s head and so it rolls. Your actual head isn’t going to roll when you get killed by an Eyelander, so the mismatch will make you sick.

Here's the presentation's video, bookmarked at the aforementioned insight:


For those of you non-TF2 players, the "Eyelander" is the name of a player-wieldable sword, and when it connects, the victim's head flies off and rolls around the ground. Apparently simulating that effect (changing the user's "horizon line") will make people very sick.

To be fair, being decapitated in such a way that your head bounces and rolls around will leave you feeling, at the least, very sick.

So what can be learned from this tidbit? Don't get decapitated.

Finally a way to have real punishment in video game.

I look forward to playing an online game that punishes trolls with nausea!

More likely that trolls would play without VR and find a way to target VR players with nausea-inducing effects.

Seasick yes. This will be an interesting cultural-technical thing to watch evolve, assuming this wave of VR lasts long enough to evolve, perhaps SDKs will make it impossible to make a "real" VR sailing/boating simulator or VR flight simulator, or maybe the SDK will not prevent that, which automatically means at least some shovelware twitch games will mess with the horizon lines making users seasick.

I would like to have the option to enable the head flying.

Dying (in game) is supposed to be at least a bit unpleasant, and something to be avoided.

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