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Wow, this looks awesome. The ad for UberRUSH is one of the best I've ever seen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRu6M9sCfmo.

I've actually been thinking of starting a similar venture in Tunisia. Over here, there is simply no straightforward way to deliver packages within a city. Obviously I don't have the platform Uber has, so I'm thinking of building both at the same time, but with a focus on package delivery for individuals or small businesses.

What I'm worried about the most is package insurance. How is this usually done? Do I need to setup a policy with an insurance company? Or can I just mention in the ToS something like "we are not responsible for the condition of the received package"?

Any input on this or any other potential hurdles would be appreciated.

While I can't comment on the kind of insurance your business might need, in the case of UberRUSH, if a package gets crushed in transit, UberRUSH has insurance up to $250. If the package gets crushed due to our service, we will take care of it.

Ad is from Oct14, 2015.

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