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That's great. I love how myths can still be created and spread in this Internet age.

Another example : around 2005 someone made a playlist for himself of some Mars Volta b-sides and called it "A Missing Chromosome" [1]. Somehow it spread on P2P networks, was even listed on Wikipedia in the band's discography section with a back story etc.

I still have it in my collection under that name with the art etc and don't see the need to correct it.

A forum I'm in maintains a list of some fake things they put in Wikipedia. It's harder to do these days but some are still there and we joke that some parts may have found their way in some student school work.

1. http://forum.thecomatorium.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=105...

Consider the Slender Man story, which was concocted more-or-less whole-cloth on Somethingawful.com's fora. Two young people stabbed a third ostensibly to sacrifice her to this character, and one of the editors of somethingawful.com posted an article [http://www.somethingawful.com/news/slenderman-not-real/] reminding people that the story was 100% fabrication.

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