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It might be time to start editing our (DNA) code to fight the bacteria. It seems like the only thing that will be fast enough to keep up with the mutations.

There already is a method, decades old: bacteriophages [1] in phage therapy [2]. Put them with bacteria that have resistance and they'll evolve along with them. It's cheap and will always be effective.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacteriophage [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phage_therapy

Apparently we (and other animals) have evolved some mucus-strategies for capturing bacteriophages for our own use.


Or make little robots to fight the bacteria

Our bodies already make little robots to fight bacteria

I don't know why, but the image of really cute little robots popped into my head. I would fund that - for the cuteness alone.

>It might be time to start editing our (DNA) code to fight the bacteria.

This will just create the same selection pressure chemotheraputics did, except now you have the additional burden of fucking with your DNA (and probably risking cancer).

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