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Is anyone using Safari Technical Preview as their main Browser? I was hesitant to use it, but I've heard a few people say that it's stable.

It was good for a bit, then 1Password broke and I accepted that my Slack messages were never going to load.

It's a dev preview. There is no reason to use it as your main browser. There isn't even much point testing your site in it, since you can never tell who's responsible for something being broken, and it becomes more a test of how production-ready the preview is, which is a really pointless metric. The only real reason for its existence is so we can all track progress in benchmarks, and for this story to get publicity when all us browser nerds check ES6 compat and then try little code snippets in the console.

If you want the cool purple icon, copy it to to Safari 9. That's what I've done.

Ah if 1Password doesn't work, that's definitely a blocker for me. I could always copy the usernames and passwords from the app, but I don't think I need to test the latest and greatest features that badly.

I think that was fixed in the last TP.

I don't think I'll be able to handle any instability in that right now. My primary development focus doesn't involve web development so having the latest and greatest browser won't benefit me that much. I do want to try the latest features, but I have patience and can wait a few more months.

I mean, you can have it installed alongside regular Safari and just switch between them at will. It's not an all or nothing decision.

I tried for about a week. My complaints with it were the same i have with base Safari, but TP specifically worked fine. No unique issues despite using it as dev platform and a consumer browser.

I wish Safari would have the same incognito mode as Chrome's. Currently, tabs in the same incognito window do not share sessions so you have to log in again on every new tab.

I prefer it this way around. There is even a long standing issue in the Chromium bug tracker https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=24690

"Long standing" makes me think it's an open issue, but it was closed as WontFix the same day it was filed, in 2009.

Yep. If I command-click a same-domain link I expect my login to be forwarded to the new tab.

I've been using it as my main browser since release. I've noticed two things:

1) With gifs, Safari TP will loop the first few frames (or whatever loads quickly) and loop that, whilst the remaining frames load, but then never update to looping the entire gif once completely downloaded; refreshing doesn't correct it, just focussing the address bar and hitting to load the gif from cache.

2) Math.random() returns the same result the first two calls on page load.

LOL @ Math.random()

Tracked here: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157805

Yeah, that was too hilarious a comment to not check out.

Great job spotting it chrstphrknwtn!

I've been using it for about a month now as my main browser, haven't had any issues with it. Any issue's I had in Safari 9 seem to have been fixed :)

It is my main browser. Last week there was an update that bricked it. I had to redownload it from apple.com ignorer to get it to work. Other than that it is very good, can't really tell the difference between it, webkit nightly, and reg safari (I don't dev on bleeding-edge though).

I'm currently using it; some sites that serve popups can cause the webpage to disappear, prompting the back button, but other than that it works great.

I changed the icon out with the original safari icon though, personal preference, and set it as my system default web browser.

I did use the 1st release on a daily basis, but I had some problems with it (few websites misbehaved). I may revisit it since it's already at its 4th release and they fixed a ton of bugs judging from their release notes.

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