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Google's AI beats go champions. Microsoft's AI turns into a racist genocidal maniac.

Tay is more a reflection of the interwebs of today, than the culture or values of Microsoft. I think we should be cautious about our conclusions.

Perhaps, but it is naive of the Microsoft researchers to think this wasn't a possibility. They should have seen this coming and prepared accordingly.

At worst, Microsoft researchers are guilty of not being familiar with internet racism. Hardly a great sin.

They didn't sanitize their input data.. that's the worst sin you can commit.

That's pretty fucking hyperbolic. A technical "sin" perhaps, but people are heaping derision on them as though they committed some great moral sin.

Hrm, I assumed it would be obvious I meant a technical sin

Google's AI was designed to play go, and became an expert at Go. Microsoft's AI was designed to use twitter, and became an expert at twitter.

Add this to the manual on how not to do a PR stunt

Everybody's talking about it, aren't they? "No such thing as bad PR" an all that...

The next time someone talks about purchasing or using Microsoft software, you can point to this and ask them if they want to support a company that literally agrees with Hitler, and has said so publicly!

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