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My understanding is that "Ask HN" questions have a different "gravity" and sink more slowly. That said, I suspect that the average quality of an "Ask HN" question is not much better than the average non-spam submission...maybe worse since meta-discussions are fairly common and lead to dull comments like mine here.

Even non-meta questions can be rather lazy...I mean a couple of throw away sentences that don't provide much context suggest that it's probably not that important.

For example: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11160872

Versus: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11149361

While I don't think of "Ask HN" as StackOverflow, there's something to the response "What <code> have you tried?" and the idea that a two sentence question doesn't necessarily deserve a long detailed comprehensive answer.

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