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Ask HN: Delphi (programming language) quo vadis?
6 points by t312227 on Feb 15, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
hi there,

as a an older c/java and linux guy who still remembers the "good old" turbo pascal days in the 80 and 90ties:

got a job offer today which asked for delphi knowhow -> i thought, delphi is somewhere in "zombie"-state - as a former windows/rad tool replaced by .net/c#, java and whatever - but in the tiobe-language index its [still|again] within the top10 ...

any comments/insights!? :)

cheers v.

Free Pascal and The Lazarus Project are great fun to play with if you just want to re-experience the fun of Delphi and Turbo Pascal. In fact, a lot of Turbo Pascal has been completely re-created. This was the first programming language I learned that really allowed me to use the power of a computer, and I have a lot of fond memories.

My 2c:

I recently downloaded a trial of Embarcadero's RAD Studio 10 Seattle (I know :). Using the Delphi in it. Only tried it a little so far, but what I tried is quite good. Still quite fast compiling/linking, it seems (though only tried on small projects so far). Also all the other RAD stuff is still good like in earlier versions (thankfully I seem to have avoided a few interim versions which I heard were buggy).

Also as mtmail said in this thread, this older post:


has lots of discussion on it. I had commented there too.

Delphi still being developed by Embarcadero. Lots (lots!) of legacy code still out there. Still a great tool for building Windows apps.

poor Delphi. It's being ridiculed[0] since the start of the millennium (possibly longer)


Poor Delphi? More likely to be the other way around - rich Delphi, and rich Delphi users, due to the speed and productivity it gives. Not to mention rich (original) Delphi developer, Anders, see previous discussion:


If Delphi is poor, I'd like to be Delphi :)

How many people have and use Maseratis and Porsche's vs. run-of-the-mill sedans?

related previous discussion titled "Delphi – why won't it die? (2013)" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7613543

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