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Mike, I'm big fan of your work. Have been using it since early releases.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on how to make visualization more appealing for non-programming users who want to interact with data beyond the basic clicks and drops.

> D3 ... rejects the tyranny of charts

Let me share a couple of counter-examples that attempt to accomplish the opposite, albeit for the common good:

http://apps.axibase.com/chartlab/14cf1974/3/ - Basic

http://apps.axibase.com/chartlab/2111a2b7/2/ - Inheritance and Iterator

http://apps.axibase.com/chartlab/e8635882/10/ - Time series transformations

http://apps.axibase.com/chartlab/2ef08f32/1/ - Composite

What you see is a set of charts built with D3 under the hood and placed on grid layout with a mix of configuration settings and basic control structures. What's unusual in this approach is that it introduces end-users to programmable visualization through a simplified DSL. It helps users step outside of GUI editor sandbox and yet it doesn't expose them directly to JavaScript and SVG.

I'd appreciate your critique of this approach in general, not necessarily our implementation of it :) Is this level of "tyranny" acceptable in your view?

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