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You had me till you non-ironically referenced mchurch. Seriously if you ever see him start talking just turn around and walk away.

Having worked at Google for 7 years and now at a startup, I have to say the big company bullshit factor is huge. Even at Google where where bullshit is gold plated and served with delicious, locally sourced, healthy and tasty side dishes.

I learned a lot there, worked with brilliant people, was able to carve out super gratifying work. But, it just got silly. I'm thrilled to be gone, and hope never to go back.

Mchurch goes to the extreme quite often, but there's still a ton of truth in his main themes. He's trying to get people in the SV/VC-funded world to open their eyes to the subtle and not-so-subtle deceptions told here.

I think he was non-ironically referencing mchurch to rebut some of his claims..

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