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What video game doesn't have constants?

  const LIGHTSPEED = 299_792_458

How many significant figures does it need to have, do you think?

And that makes me wonder, how does this simulation deal with irrational numbers and real numbers? How does it represent pi and radical 2? The Greeks were afraid of these numbers. Are they are problem for a theory that we are a simulation run on finite resources?

I think it has to do with the concept of computable vs non computable functions. One stand is that if the Universe is a simulation then by definition it is computable but we can clearly define and reason about non computable things (which suggests that it is not in fact just a Turing machine and may in fact the hyper computer running the simulator. But you can't really get above that. So the speed of light is just a defined constant which no meaning and we can't pierce the through hypervisor.


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