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The article says the targeted completion date is 11 years away. Like almost all long-term projects, it is likely to run much longer than expected.

I live in Barcelona, twenty minutes walk from Sagrada Familia. I enjoy watching it ever change as the development continues. I also marvel at the long queues of people outside of it most of the year, waiting to pay good money to enter what is still a construction site.

It's the prettiest construction site I've ever visited, and the exhibits about it (particularly the string and weight models) were great.

I really liked visiting it. And also wondered about the super long queues, when all you have to do is buy a ticket online and skip the queue entirely.

Exactly. I visited in April and used my phone to buy a ticket while sat in the park opposite.

"I also marvel at the long queues of people outside of it most of the year, waiting to pay good money to enter what is still a construction site."

The same can be said for any local that lives near a tourist zone. This coming from someone who lives next to WTC.

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