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I was experimenting with collecting some stats on posts and accidentally published that version of the page.

Normally I'd say sorry, but this turned out to be so amusing that I guess I'm not sorry. Carry on!

Edit: you guys blow my mind. One of these years we should do this on purpose.

I have to ask, why are you even LOOKING at a production server on Friday? Do you like wrecked weekends, cause thats how you get wrecked weekends.

Yeah. I can't even imagine how much revenue YC must lose for each minute of news downtime.

Given how much of a time sink HN is for everyone including YC startups, it may well be that HN downtime is a profit for YC.

Revenue from where? I don't see any advertisements.

Good point. Read-only Fridays are thing for sysadmins ;-)

Pshaw... Push on Friday, Patch on Saturday, Pray on Sunday that no one calls me to fix anything else!

Oh man, I wish I had that luxury in flight testing. No one likes flying on Friday afternoons. Especially when things break.

Bit off-topic: At my last workplace they used to push our code for several ecommerce sites to production on fridays, every week, without tests. It somehow worked out.

I remembered there being special options and information for mods from a post a while ago and was able to dig up this screenshot which contains a % score: http://imgur.com/ge3ZBgt

The mystery continues! :)

EDIT: And apparently that % score was discussed here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7972234

So now you're going to leave a thousand hackers to figure out what it did without any further hints. I see how it is.

The mystery is so much better.

Dilbert cartoons will be written about this in later years, if not already.

Which stats?

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