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If you know some C# and C++, my recommendation is to dive straight into the respective native SDKs (Android and iOS) and not let yourself waste time or get distracted by frameworks like Cordova or Titanium (or whatever they call it now). Cordova can be a good strategic choice for certain types of companies making certain types of apps, but if you want to learn mobile development, my opinion is that they'll just be a distraction (and I say this as someone who tried and floundered using this approach until I committed myself 100% to native SDKs).

For Android, an excellent resource are the example apps found at the CommonsWare website, who also have an accompanying book. Download these examples and start playing around with them, or use whatever approach you used to learn webdev [1].

Otherwise, Google's docs are pretty high quality.

Finally, even if you're a Vim/emacs kind of guy (like I am), I recommend using Android Studio for Android development, at least at first. It has some excellent resources for learners (like a very good autocomplete).

1. http://commonsware.com/Android/

+1 to the CommonsWare book. It's 1000s of pages of well-written reference material, and frequently updated.

If you like video learning, take a look at BitFountain and Udemy. Both have good courses on mobile development. IIRC Udacity also has one on Android development.

Thanks for sharing your experience, I was thinking on something on the lines of Cordova et. al. but I will take into account your experience.

I think I get what you say about 'certain types of companies making certain types of apps' right now I have a potential client that needs a pretty basic app that could be done easily in HTML5 and made 'mobile' (for his use a webpage would be fine, but they want it mobile) with Cordova.

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