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1. a poem about the Turing halting proof (ed.ac.uk)
16 points by soferio 40 minutes ago | hide | discuss
2. Digitized Continuous Magnetic Recordings for the 1859 Carrington Event (wiley.com)
52 points by simonebrunozzi 2 hours ago | hide | 10 comments
3. Network visualization of 50k blogs and links (henryn.ca)
103 points by ng-henry 3 hours ago | hide | 36 comments
4. Chechnya bans music outside the range of 80-116 beats per minute (smithsonianmag.com)
18 points by anigbrowl 1 hour ago | hide | 2 comments
5. New Foundations is consistent – a difficult mathematical proof proved using Lean (leanprover-community.github.io)
234 points by namanyayg 10 hours ago | hide | 76 comments
6. Show HN: Getada: rustup-like installer for Ada's toolchain/package manager (getada.dev)
157 points by ajdude 8 hours ago | hide | 89 comments
7. Show HN: Balancing game for the mobile browser with increasing difficulty (balanc3dgame.com)
252 points by nargaw 13 hours ago | hide | 89 comments
8. GPU compute in the browser at the speed of native: WebGPU marching cubes (willusher.io)
82 points by Twinklebear 4 hours ago | hide | 32 comments
9. The man who killed Google Search? (wheresyoured.at)
861 points by elorant 6 hours ago | hide | 395 comments
10. Apple's risky bet on CarPlay (theturnsignalblog.com)
73 points by vsdlrd 5 hours ago | hide | 113 comments
11. Shortbread (YC W23) is hiring a founding engineer in SF for AI comics creation (ycombinator.com)
2 hours ago | hide
12. Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, a.k.a. "Masonry" layout (webkit.org)
459 points by achairapart 13 hours ago | hide | 312 comments
13. The beautiful dissociation of the Japanese language (aethermug.com)
225 points by mrcgnc 9 hours ago | hide | 144 comments
14. Ask HN: How does deploying a fine-tuned model work
14 points by FezzikTheGiant 3 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
15. Mathematicians marvel at 'crazy' cuts through four dimensions (quantamagazine.org)
72 points by nsoonhui 10 hours ago | hide | 7 comments
16. Reverse engineering a software crack (twitter.com/gf_256)
105 points by nharada 8 hours ago | hide | 42 comments
17. How a photographer captured his eclipse photo (petapixel.com)
130 points by elijahparker 10 hours ago | hide | 15 comments
18. Spritely Goblins v0.13.0: Object persistence and easier IO (spritely.institute)
44 points by paroneayea 4 hours ago | hide | 7 comments
19. Ask HN: How to improve PCB prototyping iteration time?
23 points by RohKo 2 hours ago | hide | 45 comments
20. FTC announces rule banning noncompetes (ftc.gov)
779 points by null0ranje 4 hours ago | hide | 305 comments
21. HCL: Toolkit for Structured Configuration Languages (github.com/hashicorp)
11 points by thunderbong 5 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
22. Dafny is a verification-aware programming language (github.com/dafny-lang)
9 points by r9295 4 hours ago | hide | discuss
23. Krazam OS (krazam.tv)
844 points by zdgeier 23 hours ago | hide | 169 comments
24. EURISKO Lives (funcall.org)
114 points by wodow 19 hours ago | hide | 66 comments
25. Opengist: Open-source alternative to GitHub Gists (github.com/thomiceli)
5 points by nalgeon 4 hours ago | hide | discuss
26. The Beautiful Islands of San Serriffe (2016) (realdougwilson.com)
92 points by Schiphol 14 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
27. AMA: I'm Dave Greene, an accidental expert on Conway's Game of Life
265 points by dvgrn 9 hours ago | hide | 118 comments
28. Intel Meteor Lake's NPU (chipsandcheese.com)
5 points by rbanffy 5 hours ago | hide | discuss
29. Show HN: Hashquery, a Python library for defining reusable analysis (hashquery.dev)
51 points by cpimhoff 8 hours ago | hide | 18 comments
30. Carl Sagan, nuking the moon, and not nuking the moon (eukaryotewritesblog.com)
86 points by freediver 9 hours ago | hide | 72 comments

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